Why does Google manufacture Pixel Tablet Pro? Against Apple Due to the Following

Why does Google manufacture Pixel Tablet Pro? Against Apple Due to the Following

In the year 2023, Google plans to offer two different Android tablets. Everyone is curious as to why they chose to launch two at the same time rather than just one. And what is the purpose of launching “Pixel Tablet Pro”?

Why does Google manufacture Pixel Tablet Pro

According to 9to5google, Google has been collaborating with other hardware makers for more than a decade in an effort to create an Android tablet that is competitive with Apple’s (Apple) iPad, but so far, their efforts have been fruitless. In addition, these efforts have been surrounded by controversy due to the fact that Google has been absent from the market for Android (Android) tablets for a considerable amount of time. ChromeOS, not Android, was the operating system of choice for the Google Pixel C tablet that was released in 2015. This also means that Google’s most current Android tablet is the Nexus 9, which was released later.

However, from a business perspective, it makes perfect sense for Google to utilise ChromeOS as the primary operating system of the tablet in question. In any case, Chromebooks are also capable of running Android applications. desktop experience. This can be seen on the Pixelbook, however the Pixel Slate that Google released in 2018 is unable to display the same information.

Therefore, the Pixelbook achieves a balance between a tablet and a laptop, and it is comparable in performance to other laptops as well as Chromebooks. In addition to its functionality as a tablet, the Google Pixel Slate is also a competitor to Apple’s iPad as well as other Android tablets. To put it more succinctly, the Pixel Slate is not a high-performance laptop, nor is it an enticing tablet in comparison to less expensive iPads.

As a result, Google decided to scrap two of its active tablet projects. ChromeOS will see more investment in research and development from Google in 2022, as the company strives to improve its operating system. Google has given significant consideration to the function that tablets will play in the world in the years to come. They have made the observation that a number of people’s Android tablets have gone unused for an extended period of time. The control of smart home appliances is the primary focus of this initiative since it will enable unused tablets to be put to productive use. In addition to the capability of controlling entertainment and developing into a smart display similar to Nest Hub, there are several hints that Google is planning for ambitious goals.

Concerning the Pixel Tablet Pro, the designation “Pro” was selected because Google is working to develop a tablet that is conducive to high levels of productivity in the workplace. Concurrently, it will also debut a tablet with a handwriting capability, which demonstrates Google’s second priority to the tablet after the tablet itself. One approach is to deliver new experiences and applications to tablets running the Android operating system.

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